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As market leaders, they have been working since 1988 to make products worthy of their brand name for their customers. With over 30 years of experience behind them, they are always looking for what their customers want. Year after year, they modernize their technology, improve their products, and offer their consumers new innovations, because today, eating healthy and good quality food is a key issue for all of us. This aspect becomes particularly important for people with food allergies or intolerances. As a food manufacturer and distributor, it is of paramount importance for them to offer food products in their webshop that meet these needs while being accessible to the general public at affordable prices, wherever they live. They have selected their range of products according to these criteria, which, in addition to their own products, are made up of products from their partners and suppliers.
the webshop itself is a separate company within the main Cerbona group
They sell products manufactured mainly by Cerbona, including in many cases limited edition products.
in addition, for muesli, they also undertake, through their webshop, a custom-made production of muesli called the muesli manufactory, making artisan muesli mixes available to the everyday consumer
before PriceKit, they were manually monitoring competitors by keeping Excel spreadsheets, which took a lot of time and had a lot of chances for error
Currently, it is still necessary to monitor prices on PriceKit, competing webshops, and retail partners' list prices simultaneously. This process is greatly simplified, accelerated, and made more reliable by PriceKit
in the online space, shoppers are often most interested in prices, so pricing needs to be very carefully monitored
PriceKit has saved a lot of time, as the system updates all monitored prices daily, reducing the number of errors
they get a real picture of the difference between their own and competitor's prices and listings
they can set different alert levels and pricing strategies within the account
PriceKit is like a savvy consultant for them
Without PriceKit, the margins on the products sold would probably be 5-10% worse